Wildflower Dreams Bouquet
If they dream of being among the wildflowers, then this is the gift to make their dreams come true! White daisy poms, hot pink Gerbera daisies, purple carnations and much more are gathered by hand to create a cheerful, textured arrangement. Surprise someone special on their birthday or anniversary and let their happiness run wild!
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to local availability
All-around arrangement of white daisy poms, hot pink Gerbera daisies and alstroemeria, purple carnations, liatris, and statice, solidago, tree fern, and leather leaf
Artistically designed in an 8"H clear glass cylinder vase; small arrangement is designed in an 8"H clear glass gathering vase
Large arrangement measures approximately 22"H x 16"D
Medium arrangement measures approximately 20"H x 14"D
Small arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 12"L
Order by 2:00 PM EST for same day pickup or delivery!
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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